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The Ethos Committee

What is the Ethos Committee?

The Ethos Committee is a partnership between parents, church and the school. It is a valuable way to share ideas, views and make suggestions for improvement.


The Ethos Committee was set up to:

  • Maintain and strengthen the Christian Ethos and values of the school, working closely with St. Mary’s Church.
  • Assist the Head in promoting good relationships and communication with parents and the wider school community.
  • Work in partnership to develop and improve the school.


Who can be part of the Ethos Committee?

Any parent is welcome to join any Ethos Committee meeting. The meeting will be chaired by the Head of School and there will be representatives from the local church community, as well as a parent rep from each class. At meetings, other members of the school community might also attend the meetings depending on the agenda items.


Why should I be part of the Ethos Committee?

It gives you an opportunity to get together on a regular basis with other parents to have your say on what the school is doing well, and suggest ideas of how things could be improved.


How often do meetings take place?

Meetings usually take place each half term. The meetings are typically scheduled on a Monday evening.


What will be discussed at the meeting?

Anything related to improving the school and further developing partnerships. The meetings will be informal and are an opportunity for an open discussion. Minutes of the meetings will be taken and these will be circulated and accessible on the school’s website.


What will not be discussed at the meetings?

Concerns or complaints involving individual children, families or members of staff will not be discussed in a public forum. These issues should be raised with the class teacher or a member of the leadership team, in a confidential meeting.


How can I put forward a suggestion or ask a question?

You can contact your class representative to raise something on your behalf. Alternatively, please get in touch via email: ethoscommittee@outlook.com

If you are interested in becoming part of the Ethos Committee, please approach a committee member to find out more. 

Parent Representatives

Other members & representatives

Reception - vacancy

Staff – Danielle Joyce 

Year 1 - vacancy

Staff - Alice Roberts 

Year 2 - Nicola Smith & Claire Forster

Church - Claire Nichols

Year 3 - Sally Harris


Year 4 - Jo Mitchell

Year 5 - Sarah Ward & Tess Dominey

Year 6 - Melanie Frier


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