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Art & Design at Kentisbeare

art overview

What does art look like at Kentisbeare? 

We are passionate about art education here at Kentisbeare! It is our belief that every child has the right to develop their creativity through a rich, high quality art curriculum. Our intention is to inspire pupils and equip them with the knowledge and skills to experiment – finding their own artistic style as they journey through the school.  

Mrs Joyce, a primary art specialist, is the Art Curriculum Leader and enjoys teaching the subject to children in Years 2 to 6 – as well as running Art Club for KS2 pupils.

The foundation of our art and design curriculum is taken directly from the National Curriculum. All children from Years 1 to 6 use sketchbooks to document their learning and creative journeys.

Art is taught as a discrete subject in its own right, in 6 week blocks, once per term. In the autumn term, the focus of all art units across the school is drawing and painting; spring term’s focus is printing – and in summer term, all pupils undertake a sculpture topic. This spiral approach allows pupils to revisit previously taught techniques and knowledge, honing their skills in drawing, painting, printing and sculpting – so that by the time they leave us in Year 6, they have truly mastered the primary art curriculum.  

We have produced progression documents that outline the skills and knowledge we expect pupils to acquire in each year group across the year. Please click on the icon below to see our progression document: 

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