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Safeguarding and Child Protection

Designated Safeguarding Lead - Danielle Joyce - Head of School

Safeguarding Governor - David Major


Kentisbeare Cof E Primary School is fully committed to the safeguarding of children – ensuring the well being of the child is paramount. For pupils to feel that they are able to do their best and achieve their true potential, it is important that they feel safe and supported in our school environment. 

Everyone working within our school, whatever their role, is acutely aware that issues to do with the protection of children are of the highest possible importance. Trust underpins everything that we do in school. The parents of our pupils entrust the care of their children to us and together we are all responsible for their well being. 

In relation to safeguarding, Kentisbeare CofE Primary aims to ‘prevent’, ‘protect’ and ‘support’ all its pupils by addressing child protection in the curriculum, pastoral activities and in the management of the school, and by empowering and enabling staff to be vigilant for vulnerable students through regular, ongoing training and the dissemination of information. We also involve our pupils in regular assemblies and lessons which will enable them to stay safe online, in school and at home.

What We Do

The use of technology is wide spread throughout daily life. Education is no different and there are various forms of technology in use within the school.

At school, we are committed to using technology to enhance and enrich the teaching and learning experience throughout the school.

In doing this we aim to educate pupils in the benefits of using technology but also to understand its weaknesses and potential danger.  

To help educate both parents and children in this regard we will post news articles and resources that we think useful. These will appear in our newsletter, class dojo feed and here on the school website.

The Childsnet website is another great Safeguarding resource worth bookmarking.

Policies and Procedures

Kentisbeare CofE Primary School has policies which deal with safeguarding, child protection, radicalisation and safer recruitment, which are in accordance with the local authority procedures and which comply with the DFE’s safeguarding children and safer recruitment statutory guidance.

Please find link below to the most recent publication of Keeping Children Safe in Education

Keeping children safe in education: information for all school and college staff (publishing.service.gov.uk)

Help and advice for parents

As parents, you want to make sure that your children develop healthily and thrive. We are here should you need to help you with advice on how you can build strong relationships with your children and keep them safe. Here is advice and resources for helping parents to keep their children safe, advice for parents on keeping children safe out of school, at home and online, when using the internet, social networking websites and playing online games, help and advice for creating a safe and nurturing environment for your children.

For guidance, further details can be found from:







Worried about a child?
If you have serious concerns about a child or young person call
Devon Safeguarding Hub: 0345 155 1071
Out of hours please call (Devon) 0845 6000 388
Or email mashsecure@devon.gcsx.gov.uk


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