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Stonewall School Champions

This is a logo that  Kentisbeare are using because we are signed up to the Stonewall School Champion programme. This has included a member of staff attending training on Tackling Homophobic, Biphobic and Transphobic Bullying and Language, which they’ll be rolling out the rest of the staff. This training was facilitated by Exeter Diocese for Kentisbeare, as it supports requirements from Valuing All God’s Children and ties in with the wellbeing SIAMS objectives.

 By using the logo, Kentisbeare is showing that we are committed to including all pupils and their families, specifically those who fall under the protected characteristics of sexual orientation and gender reassignment in the Equalities Act 2010. In reality, it means that we have support from Stonewall’s Education Team to move forward with an Action Plan to tackle HBT language, and embed LGBT-inclusive practice across Kentisbeare’s school curriculum and throughout our school ethos. Ultimately, this will help to make Kentisbeare a supportive environment for all pupils and their families.

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