Science at Kentisbeare
"The scientist is not the person who has all the right answers, they are the ones who ask the right questions". - Claude Lévi-Strauss.
At Kentisbeare we believe every learner should be equipped with the scientific knowledge and skills to enable them to ask the right questions throughout their lives. Our aims are to fulfil the requirements of the National Curriculum for science; providing a broad and balanced curriculum that ensures the progressive development of knowledge, skills and vocabulary and for pupils to develop a love of science. We aim to inspire a curiosity and fascination about the natural and man-made world and a lifelong respect for the environment. This includes classroom-based lessons and other experiences outside the classroom, such as within Outdoor Learning, educational visits, residentials and enrichment days.
Science Day March 2021
Each class designed an experiment to find out which biscuit was the best for dunking!
Once it had been decided how to test for the best dunkability, the children then had to make sure their experiment was a fair test.
They also then had to record their data.