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The Willow Class Teachers

Miss Henson teaches the class on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

Mrs Ireland teaches the class on Thursdays and Fridays

At different times in the week, we are supported by Miss Myatt, Mrs Joyce, Mr Joyce and Mrs Sparkes

Click here to view our September welcome letter...


Weekly reminders


PE & Outdoor Learning with Mrs Bray - children to wear their PE kit to school AND bring in waterproof clothing and wellies in a named bag.

Reading books are changed.

Thursdays Homework to be handed in



PE-children to come into school in their PE kits

Homework to be sent out.

Library books changed.

Useful Documents

Our Curriculum

In Year 1, children extend and consolidate their learning through both traditional whole class & small group teacher-led teaching and learning through independent continuous provision activities.

The main focus for Year 1 is to build independent skills, resilience and a love of learning. We want children to be able to read well by the end of the year, using the full range of phonic sounds, and also apply this in their written work.

Here is our Autumn Curriculum Overview:

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