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Hazel Class - Year 3

Welcome to Hazel Class


Hazel Class are taught by Mr Ware and supported by Mrs Clarke, Mrs Qi and Mrs Sanders-Carr throughout the week.


Mr Ware is the school's history and music coordinator. He has a passion for music; leading a weekly KS2 guitar club and singing assemblies alongside Miss Lunn. 


In Lower Key Stage Two, we encourage children to take greater independence and responsiblity for their learning. We work hard in Year 3 to ensure children have mastered key skills and knowledge from KS1, and build and extend on these to ensure a smooth journey upward through the school.


Mr Ware Mrs Clarke Mrs Qi Mrs Sanders-Carr Mrs Bray (Outdoor Learning)




Key Information

  • Reading records checked
  • PE - Rounders
  • PE - Tennis
  • Reading records checked
  • Outdoor Learning
  • Homework due
  • Homework set
  • Weekly multiplication challenge

Key Dates

Thursday 23rd May Year 3 Federation Rounders
Wednesday 26th June

KS2 Sports Day

Thursday 20th June Anglo-Saxon trip to Wildwood



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