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Kentisbeare Primary School Christian Values

At Kentisbeare C of E Primary School we believe it is important to develop core values by which to live and which help to develop a moral and spiritual awareness. We seek to explore the meanings of the core values and their significance through our collective worship. The gifts of respect,compassion, perseverance, friendship and forgiveness are the values we want our children to leave with. Whilst these gifts are inclusive of human values, we try to anchor them into the Christian faith by relating them to the Bible through stories and readings. 

Over a 2 year rolling programme we embrace 12 Christian Values overall. See table below. We are currently in Year B.

We explore these values in school through lessons and in our Collective Worship.

For each Value there is a home/school worksheet for you to download. The current term's worksheet is available on the homepage of our website while all of the worksheets are available below

Year A Year B
(Celebrate Harvest)
Loving others as we love ourselves (Mark 12.31)
Giving sacrificially (Luke 21.1-4)
Giving cheerfully (2Corinthians 9-7)
Caring for creation (Genesis 2.15)
Giving our time (Nehemiah)
(Celebrate Harvest)
Thanking God for people who help us (Philippians 1.3)
Praising God for Creation (Psalms 148)
Remembering to say thank you (Ephesians 5.20)
Giving thanks even when times are difficult (Acts 16)
Counting your blessings (1Thessalonians 5.16)
(Celebrate Christmas: God of the unexpected Luke 2 )
Noticing a need (Mark 6.34)
Being a good neighbour (Luke 10. 25-37)
Putting on the right attitude (Colossians 3.12)
Having courage to care (Exodus 2.1.10)
Coming to the rescue (Luke 15.4-6)
(Celebrating Advent)
Knowing our friends will support us (Ecclesiastes 4.9-10)
Knowing Jesus is with us in stormy times (Mark 4.35-41)
Standing on God’s promises (Psalm 18.2)
Being trustworthy (Proverbs 11.13)
Trusting God (Isaiah 49.16)
(Celebrating Candlemas: Trusting God’s promises – Luke 2. 21-40)
Stepping out of your comfort zone (Exodus 3-4)
Doing the right thing, not the easy thing (Esther 4-8)
Facing the challenge (Joshua 2)
Overcoming fear (1 John 4.18)
Encouraging others (Joshua 1.9)
(Celebrating Epithany)
Running the race of life (Hebrews 12. 1-2)
Keeping going against all odds  (Mathew 2. 3-15)
Doing the right thing (Jeremiah 38. 1-13)
Meeting a personal challenge (Philippians. 4.13)
(Celebrate Lent and Easter: When darkness turns to light (Ephesians 1.7)
Wiping the slate clean (Colossians 3.13)
Turning over a new leaf (Luke 19. 1-19)
Forgiving others as God has forgiven you (Mathew 18. 21-35)
Beginning again (Luke 15. 11-32)
Putting the past behind us (Psalm 32.1)
(Celebrate Lent and Easter)
Treating people fairly (Micah 6.8)
Making Wise decisions (Isaiah 1-17)
Seeing God’s Love in action (Matthew 20. 1-16)
Seeing the whole picture (2 Corinthians 8.21)
Keeping God’s rules (Exodus 20)
(Celebrate Pentecost)
Sticking )together (Proverbs 18.24)
Encouraging one another (1 Thessalonians)
Supporting one another (Luke 5. 17-39)
Making time for each other (Luke 10.38-42)
Learning to listen (Proverbs 17.17)
( Celebrating Pentecost)
Using our talents to serve (Galatians 5-13)
Receiving as well as giving (1 Kings 17. 7-16)
Looking at the heart (1 Samuel 16. 1-13)
Living for others (Mathew 4. 18-20)
Giving with no strings attached (Mathew 20.28)
(Celebrate Trinity: God’s never ending love (Psalm 8.9)
Remembering to pray for others (Ephesians 6.18)
Valuing difference (Luke 7. 1-10)
Valuing others (Mathew 7.12)
Valuing special places (Mathew 21.2-17)
Valuing different opinions (1 Peter 2.17)
(Celebrating Trinity)
Telling the whole story (John 8.12)
Living without lies (Genesis 27)
Making the right choices (Zechariah 8.16)
Searching for the truth (Mathew 13. 44-46)
Having the courage to be honest (Ephesians 4.15)
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