Inspection date: 9 December 2021
Outcome: Kentisbeare Church of England Primary School continues to be a good school.
What is it like to attend this school?
Leaders and staff are ambitious for pupils. The well-planned curriculum supports the school’s aims to ‘Inspire, Believe, Achieve’. Staff have high expectations for pupils’ learning. Pupils are enthusiastic about their learning. They value the breadth of wider opportunities, including educational visits, that are on offer to them. The many afterschool clubs, such as gardening and multi-skills sports, help to develop pupils’ talents and interests. Pupils are confident, polite and well behaved. They are kind and caring and show each other and adults respect. They say please and thank you without being prompted. Pupils hold doors open for adults. They work well together in class, taking turns and listening to their friends. Pupils say staff encourage them to be the best they can be. Parents and carers describe the school as being like a family. One comment typical of many was, ‘staff go above and beyond to ensure each child is happy and safe’. Pupils say they have lots of friends. They understand the difference between bullying and falling out. Pupils say that bullying does not happen. If pupils have worries, they are confident that staff, including the ‘school listener’, will help them.